Sunday, April 28, 2013

Prom Night/Engagement

Prom came and went in a flash, its hard to believe that it was my last dance. I'm glad I got to spend time with friends and that there was very little drama. Lots of pictures were taken, and I have a lot of wonderful memories with my Jeff and my friends.

Jeff also decided we should go public with our engagement, and it was a good night all in all. Post-Prom was alot of fun, Jeff raced a few of his guy friends and wound up beating them all, each time coming out in a unique way, first time he rolled out and thumped down on the mat, second time he skidded outslipping on the mat, and the third time, he wound up rolling and skidding out.

Photo: Me and Kendra

I also figured out alot more about what was said at my visit at the hospital, and the movie the Lion King, I can't change other people, but I can change how I feel about other people. Basically, hakuna matata. So...I stopped caring about all my lost friendships, and treasure the ones I now have. People who don't want to get to know me, or even try to tough it out, I don't need them. If people have a problem with me, I'm now just going to tell them that they can get over it and that I don't care.

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